EkamasMandiri Group


Growth Triangle

Pulau Batam sangat strategis karena berada di Selat Singapura yang dilewati jalur
pelayaran internasional sekaligus merupakan jalur perdagangan yang
menghubungkan Asia Timur, Amerika bagian barat, Timur Tengah, dan Eropa.

Membangun kekuatan kompetitif dari tiga negara untuk membuat kawasan yang
menarik bagi investor regional dan internasional.

Berada di jalur pelayaran internasional dan kawasan ekonomi antara 3 negara,
melalui Singapura, Johor (Malaysia) dan Kepulauan Riau (Indonesia).

Batam memiliki wilayah industri yang besar di kawasan SIJORI yang terdiri dari
berbagai industri berat dan ringan, serta produksi galangan kapal terbesar di

The Bukit Permata Residence was built by PT Ekadi Trisakti Mas on 35 hectares of land in Baloi, Tanjung Uma. As a high-class residence for Batam residents, Bukit Permata is a villa with exotic views that is the standard for quality housing in the Permata Baloi Beach area.

Permata Riverview is the second luxury residence developed by PT Ekadi Trisakti Mas. Its location adjacent to Bukit Permata still offers a variety of quality residences that are peaceful, modern, and stylish for Batam families who dream of an ideal life.

Permata Valley is an exclusive residence with a tropical feel arranged facing north/south to receive sufficient sunlight, coupled with spatial layout and details that are calculated efficiently so that the air movement in the house flows thoroughly to dampen the tropical air well.

Bukit Permata

Bukit Permata Residence dibangun oleh PT EKADI TRISAKTI MAS di atas lahan seluas 35 hektar yang berlokasi di Baloi – Tanjung Uma. Pemilihan lokasi yang memiliki aksesibilitas tinggi terhadap pusat perdagangan merupakan jaminan bagi terciptanya kehidupan para penghuni yang lebih dinamis. Dalam lahan yang sama, juga akan dikembangkan villa-villa dengan pemandangan yang eksotik dan pemukiman ekslusif terlengkap di Baloi- Tanjung Uma yang dilengkapi dengan banyak fasilitas seperti club house, hotel, apartemen dan bisnis center.

Permata Riverview

Brief Description

Permata Valley

Brief Description

The Bukit Permata Residence was built by PT Ekadi Trisakti Mas on 35 hectares of land in Baloi, Tanjung Uma. As a high-class residence for Batam residents, Bukit Permata is a villa with exotic views that is the standard for quality housing in the Permata Baloi Beach area.

Permata Riverview is the second luxury residence developed by PT Ekadi Trisakti Mas. Its location adjacent to Bukit Permata still offers a variety of quality residences that are peaceful, modern, and stylish for Batam families who dream of an ideal life.

Permata Valley is an exclusive residence with a tropical feel arranged facing north/south to receive sufficient sunlight, coupled with spatial layout and details that are calculated efficiently so that the air movement in the house flows thoroughly to dampen the tropical air well.